Evernote Dev Story: Roberto Civille Rodrigues


Oi! Hi! ¡Hola!

Meu nome é Roberto Civille Rodrigues, sou de 1987 e sou um Hacker & Maker de São Paulo, SP, República dos Estados Unidos do Brazil.
My name is Zeus Quan Yin Alpha Zed Lumo Hacker Maker Roberto Civille Rodrigues, I'm currently ? years old and I'm a Hacker & Maker from São Paulo, SP, Brazil, América, this Earth.

Meus interesses principais incluem Tecnologia (programador versátil), Empreendedorismo (teórico/prático) e tudo além.
My main interests include Technology (all-around programmer), Entrepreneurship (theoretical/practical) and everything beyond.

Sou bem acessível e sempre aberto a discussão! Basta entrar em contato.
Contact is welcome.

Reid Hoffman, Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Phil Libin @ EC4 Evernote Conference
Fernando Freitas Alves, Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Gustavo Goldenberg @ Twin Peaks, San Francisco
Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Paulo Skaf @ FIESP
Luis Samra, Roberto Civille Rodrigues @ Wayra Brasil
Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Phil Libin @ Evernote
Peter Norvig, Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Sebastian Thrun @ Udacity Global Meetup, TrialPay
Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Mark Zuckerberg @ TechCrunch Disrupt SF
Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Robert Scoble @ TechCrunch Disrupt SF
Obama pitch coach for Evernote Trunk Conference ETC 2012
Dirceu de Pauka Jr, Roberto Civille Rodrigues @ Stanford, Palo Alto
Paulo Civille Rodrigues, Arnaldo Antunes, Roberto Civille Rodrigues @ A Casa é Sua
Marcus Vinicius Aires Gomes de Souza, Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Eike Batista, Ismael Santos Jr @ USP
Jennifer Zsürger, Roberto Civille Rodrigues, Talita Marcilia da Silva @ A Grande Chance, Rede Bandeirantes
Arcade Controller
Arcade Controller

CQC Especial Eleições 2010

BizMem - winner of @Concur category at #HackDisrupt

Curso Web Developer - Tutorial completo de Desenvolvimento Web em pt-BR

#LL02: Vale do Silício com Roberto Civille

#PS01: Lições de um cara técnico - Roberto Civille (Papo de Segunda-feira)

Evernote Hackathon Brazil 2012

Evernote Dev Story: Roberto Civille Rodrigues

ETC 2012 - Devcup Presentations

"O Roberto é uma das pessoas mais brilhantes que já conheci! Ele é um dos mentores do 99jobs.com e poder contar com os insights dele em nossa plataforma faz com que possamos evoluir dia após dia."
Eduardo Migliano, co-founder at 99jobs.com

"I've heard of Roberto as I was first getting a foothold in the Brazilian startup community, other founders referred to him as a first class developer, which I was able to witness firsthand by accompanying and beta testing his work. Nevertheless, Roberto's tech skills are just a part of what makes him a great professional, his international experience, and constant interaction with the valley gives him a unique vision on how a startup should position itself before it's stakeholders. Extremely humble and willing to go all to way to his beliefs, I believe that any project that Roberto puts his mind to, will sooner or later, flourish."
Gustavo Goldenberg, Project Manager at Artemisia Brasil

"Roberto is the archetypical nerd entrepreneur: deep tech skills, 120% dedication to the startup, wide band in tech knowledge, high output capacity for software coding. Roberto is also an influential in the Brazilian startup ecossystem, as organizer of SUP BRA facebook group, and as mentor at startup weekend events."
Renato Toi, co-founder at Baita

"I worked and met with Roberto in some Hackathons organized in São Paulo. He is very friendly and was always concerned to help hackathon participants do a great project. Furthermore, he is a very talented software engineer."
Luis Cipriani, Director Software Engineering at Rocket Internet SE

"I met Roberto in AngelHack hackathon and there I could see his whole creative process. After that, I have accompanied his way of work, how he leads his business and how well he is articulated within the business startup and open-source software communities. He is very inventive with strong potential to make ideas reality and I strongly recommend Roberto."
Leopoldo Carvalho de Lima, TIBCO Technical Lead at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

"Roberto é um cara inteligente e bom programador, pró-ativo na busca do crescimento da sua startup, dedicado, motivador de grupos de discussões sobre o mercado com uma opinião bem formada sobre o segmento de startups de tecnologia, indico demais ele como profissional, acompanho alguns de seus projetos e vejo a dedicação e empenho em fazer acontecer."
Douglas Almeida, co-founder President at Stayfilm S/A

"I met Roberto at Universidade de São Paulo because we had a lot of common interests like entrepreneurship and startups. I always followed what he was doing on the brazilian startup scene. When I was leaving operations at one of my startups he asked me to join him to build Doingcast and it was great. He is very creative and up-to-date about technology and startups. We spent a lot of days together not just developing but discussing technology and business strategies and he is great."
Fernando Freitas Alves, co-founder and CTO at LegalNote

"I still consider Roberto's approach to hiring developers one of the 'best' best-practices I've seen in my career. I was glad he could share his tips with some 30 other founders when we invited him (Insper). I still think of his approach as a 'talent-magnet' one."
Thiago de Carvalho, Country Manager at Clinton Education

"Roberto is a tech mentor at Startup Weekends and I met him personally at Startup Weekend Sorocaba in 2013. In this event I was the facilitator. He is an awesome developer with excellent skills in entrepreneurship and startups. He is also a hands-on guy with great ideas and a good supporter of the startup ecosystem in Brazil."
André Hotta, Regional Manager of Startup Programs at Techstars

"O processo de seleção e recrutamento que o Roberto criou foi crucial para a contratação de nosso primeiro desenvolvedor interno no Netshow.me, uma vez que eu não possuía expertise técnica para avaliar os profissionais e nem tempo para estruturar um processo seletivo naquele momento. Acabamos contratando o profissional recomendado pelo Roberto que, por fim, veio a se tornar sócio do negócio e já vai completar 2 anos que está em posição de liderança dentro da empresa. O mais impressionante é a confiança transmitida pelo Roberto ao longo do processo e a certeza de que o profissional indicado é, de fato, o ideal."
Daniel Arcoverde do Nascimento, sócio e fundador at Netshow.me